+ In
Memoriam – Robert Karl Drews +
Redeemer Lutheran, HB
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8; Ephesians 2:1-10; John 14:1-7
In the Name of
the Father and of the + Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
For by grace you
have been saved through
faith. And this is not
your own doing; it
is the gift of God, not
a result of works, so
that no one may boast.
By grace.
Such a small sentence, yet it is hard to find a greater word which
reveals who God is for us. God gives us grace full to the brim in Christ Jesus.
God’s grace is his favor and mercy towards us sinners. It is God’s riches at
Christ’s expense. It is free. Undeserved. Unmerited. God’s grace is pure gift,
just like the gift of faith.
And so these precious words - by grace – also happen to be a fitting
description for the life of our dear brother in Christ, Bob Drews.
By grace he was Baptized in Dearborn, MI. God’s grace washed him, gave
him new birth and life by water and the Word.
By grace he grew as a young boy, he learned the Scriptures, Small
Catechism, and received our Lord’s body and blood.
By grace he married Rita and raised a family in the Lord’s gracious Word
and wisdom.
By grace he served the fire department for many years, helping and
serving others.
By grace he walked in the good works that God had prepared beforehand,
assisting the board of trustees and elders here at Redeemer, and countless
other tasks.
By grace he faithfully attended bible study and services here in the
Lord’s house, receiving God’s grace by our Lord’s Word and the Lord’s Supper.
By grace he grew old. Getting old isn’t for sissies, he would fondly
say. Indeed it is not. And so by grace Bob knew that even when he was weak,
Christ was his strength.
By grace, Bob rests in the promises of Jesus. And so do we.
Because God’s grace belongs not only to Bob, but God gives his grace to
each of us as well.
For St. Paul tells us the truth about our sinful nature. We were dead in
trespasses and sin. We did not earn, deserve, or merit God’s love. But that’s
why it’s called grace. God made us alive…by grace you are saved.
By grace Jesus leads us away from sin and death to life and joy in Him
who is the Way.
By grace Jesus delivers us who are full of lies and deceit by his Word
of promise to for he is the Truth, and his Word is Truth.
By grace Jesus conquers our sin and death for he is our Life.
By grace you are rescued. By grace you are redeemed. By grace you are
saved, just as Bob was.
By grace Jesus washes us in the new birth of Holy Baptism.
By grace Jesus declares our sins forgiven in Holy Absolution.
By grace Jesus feeds us his body and blood in the Holy Supper.
For grace is more than a word or a phrase. Grace is not abstract or
allegorical. It is more than a feeling or a state of mind. God’s grace has arms
and legs to bear you up when you are weak. God’s grace has eyes to look upon us
in our need. God’s grace has hands that bore our sin and Bob’s on the cross.
God’s grace has a head that was crowned with thorns for us. But God’s grace is
not dead. Jesus lives. Grace is a person: Jesus.
Yea though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death; we will
fear no evil…for Thou art with us. Thy rod and Thy staff…and Thy grace comfort us.
God, being rich in mercy, because of the
great love with which he loved us, even when we were
dead in our trespasses, made
us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved— and
raised us up with him and seated
us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so
that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of his
grace in kindness
toward us in Christ Jesus.
By God’s Grace Jesus was born for you. By God’s grace Jesus has flesh
and blood like you. By Grace Jesus carried your sin, sorrow, and brokenness to
the cross. By Grace Jesus died for Bob and for us. By Grace Jesus rose from the
dead. By grace Jesus will raise us from the dead too, along with Bob and all
the faithful. By grace we’re saved.
By grace we live. And yes, God’s grace comes to us even when we grieve
and mourn, especially then, when we are weak.
By grace we look forward to our eternal home and a joyful reunion in
heaven with all the saints who are there by grace.
By grace we boast in the Lord, as Bob did. Therefore, let not your
hearts be troubled. Rejoice in God’s gift of grace in Jesus.
In the Name of
the Father and of the + Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.