Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Of Flesh and Bones and Cords

Wedding of Jon and Danyelle

Monday of Pentecost 11 – August 9th, A + D + 2010

Good Shepherd Chapel, CU Irvine, CA

Text: Genesis 2:7, 18-24; Ecclesiastes 4:9-12; Matthew 19:4-6

In the Name of Jesus + Amen.

Some people say a wedding – like anything you do in life – is all about what you put into it. And from the looks of this evening, a lot of love and care has been poured into this wedding. We have a beautiful bride and a handsome groom and a picturesque view. You have caring, compassionate mothers and good friends who are more like family. Not to mention the smashing good time that you all had at the rehearsal dinner last night. Yes, a lot has been put into this wedding and that's important.

And I know Danyelle has at least a few of the classic wedding pieces…Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue…

But…do you know the last part of that poem? And a silver sixpence in her shoe.

Yes, what you put into your wedding day is important. What you put into your daily lives from this day forward is even more important – love, compassion, sacrifice, honor, vows. As important as these things are, they are not the ultimate important. In fact, what we see today is not nearly important as what we do not see. You see, if marriage is really only about what we put into it, then we are more alone than Adam was in the beginning.

Today, we witness Jon and Danyelle making vows to each other, sacred vows; vows that bind and unite them as one flesh. But vows that grow harder and harder to love and cherish with each new day. Vows that will come under attack from the world around you, the devil's temptations and even your own sin.

Days will come when Jon will not be as loving as he promises to be here today. And days will come when Danyelle will think that following her husband is the most foolish thing in the world. Days will come when words like - "sickness and health" or "richer and poorer" – will seem like an impossibility.

Today it's not so much that Jon and Danyelle are marrying each other, as it is Christ uniting them as husband and wife by His Word and promise. He is the One uniting you as one flesh. He is the One who binds you together – for two are better than one…and two united by Christ are an inseparable 3-fold cord, not quickly broken. He is the One doing for you all the things you promise but cannot do on your own. It's not your love that sustains your marriage, but your marriage that sustains your love.

2 are better than 1. God formed Adam from the dust of the ground. But it was not good for Adam to be alone without a helper, without a companion. And that is why it is not good for Jon or Danyelle to be alone. Just as God provided for Adam. He built Eve out of flesh and bone and united them together in that first marriage. And man's first recorded words are words of pure joy: "this at last is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh." Adam rejoiced because Eve was different, but the same, a perfect compliment and companion. So too, He provides for you.

2 are better than 1. It's not good for man to be alone. Jon, behold your Eve. She is flesh of your flesh and bone of your bone. She is different but the same, a perfect compliment and companion for you. A gift from God for you. And greater love has no husband than this – that he lay down his life – and live each day – for his wife. For life without her would be as ridiculous as a head without a body. This is the love you are called to share with Danyelle in wedded love and faithfulness.

And Danyelle, this is the love which you receive and give in return. Danyelle, behold your Adam. He is the husband God has gifted you. He is the head to your body. And you need not cringe at the S-word, submit. For to submit to him is to submit to his sacrifice and love and compassion for you. This is God's gift of love in marriage.

2 are better than 1…but 2 united by Christ are best of all. Although neither of you will be the perfect husband or wife. The Good News is, Christ has been perfect for you. In fact, He is bone of your bone and flesh of your flesh, born to save us by His death on the cross. To live a perfect life fulfilling all the vows we make and break. He is your Savior. Your Good Shepherd.

Today He unites you as wedded husband and wife. He has you and holds you from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health. He loves and cherishes you by His Word and Water and Holy Communion. Not just until death do you part, but forever. And He pledges to you His faithfulness. He is the third cord that binds the two of you together.

You see, it really is all about what you put into your marriage – or better yet – that Christ puts Himself into your marriage. He makes all the difference.

In the Name of Jesus + Amen.

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