Monday, March 26, 2012

Thank You, Pastor

There were many words I heard yesterday. And outside of the divine words of the Divine Service and of the Sacrament, they were undoubtedly three of the best words I could have possibly heard. "Thank you, Pastor," said the man after receiving the chalice. And really, what else can you say at that point kneeling down before the Table of the Lord? Amen. Thank you.

Lord, may thy body and thy blood, be for my soul the highest good. It is. He is your highest good. His body broken into death for you; His blood shed for the remission of all your sins.  There are many things you could do for your pastor. And trust me, we appreciate the prayers - they're needed; we appreciate the gifts and the cards - although they are unecessary but still graciously received. But the best thing you can do for your pastor is to say..."Thank you, pastor."


  1. Wow, you get cars for gifts? They must really love you!! ;-)

  2. Donovan...thanks! I got it from this really fantastic Lutheran pastor who does some amazing photography. What else you got?
