Text: Ephesians 1:15-23; Acts 1:1-11; Luke 24:44-53
God’s plan of salvation once
announced to Zechariah and held in the arms of Simeon in the same temple has
now been fulfilled. Already at age 12, Jesus knew he must be about his father’s
saving business. For Jesus is the new temple, destroyed on Good Friday and raised
up on Easter Sunday. And after Jesus ascends to the heavenly Jerusalem, his disciples
return to the earthly Jerusalem, to the temple.
Luke says they returned
to Jerusalem with great joy. Jesus’ ascension is not a day to hang your head
and mope about like Eeyore, “Oh bother, Jesus is gone. Guess I’m all alone now.”
No! Jesus’ ascension is good
news. That’s why Luke’s Gospel also ends how
it began: in worship. Zechariah, Mary, Elizabeth, even baby John the Baptizer
in the womb, the Shepherds, Simeon and don’t forget Anna – they all worshiped Jesus.
And now at Jesus’ ascension, the disciples join in praising God for all he’s
done: teaching, preaching, healing, saving, dying, rising and now ascending.
“How did Jesus ascend?”
Was it like Buzz Lightyear – to eternity and beyond!? No, Luke simply says he
parted from them and was carried up into heaven; a cloud took him out of the disciples’
And where did Jesus go anyway?
Is this some kind of hide and seek game? Or a Where’s Waldo book? “Look I think
I see Jesus over there in the striped shirt. You’re so sneaky, Jesus!”
The Scriptures simply
say, “He sits at God’s right hand.” You won’t find that on your smart-phone GPS
or google maps; you can’t just go walking into heaven’s throne room at the
right hand of God. Christ comes to you in order to bring you to him; because
the Right hand of God is not a place. It’s a position of power.
But there are still two more important questions: Why did Jesus ascend? And
what’s he doing there?
The Gospel of Luke
brings us full circle, from Christmas to Ascension. When all was still and it
was midnight, Your Almighty Word, O Lord, descended from the royal throne. At
Christmas, God takes on human flesh. God becomes man. Heaven comes to earth.
Now at Jesus’ Ascension,
the child of the manger returns to his throne, taking humanity back with him. Now
we know the reason for Christmas. God becomes man to exalt mankind to the
throne of God. You want to know why Jesus takes on human flesh and blood? Look
to his ascension. Everything that he has, all that it is his is now yours.
Inheritance. Life. Salvation.

Jesus returns home, but
not alone. He takes his humanity with him. Think about that next time you have
a crappy day or get depressed by the news or hear about loved ones falling ill
or dying: The Lord who created the heavens and the earth by the Word of his
mouth becomes human flesh, suffers, dies and rises for humanity and brings
humanity back to God.
Christ is your Great
High Priest and your brother in human flesh. He shares your humanity. He knows
your sorrows, illnesses, fears, doubts, pain, your suffering and death – he who
is like you in every respect, yet without sin, is on the throne for you. The
God-Man Christ now rules all creation with the same human flesh and blood shed
for you on the cross, the same flesh and blood that comes to you in the Sacraments.
The ascension did not
take Jesus away, rather by his ascension, he brings heaven near. He goes away
to be closer to us. He is as near as yesterday’s prayer, today’s fear and
tomorrow’s sorrow.

The disciples were often
afraid of death and judgment. We’re no different. But who is sitting on the
throne in Judgment? Christ. And he has already judged all things in his death
on the cross. Jesus is judged for you. Who’s before the Father pleading for you
constantly? Jesus. You have nothing to fear. You have an advocate, a defense
lawyer who never loses. Your sin is paid for. Your death is conquered in Christ’s
death. Your judgment sentence is already given: not guilty; you’re free. Heaven
is yours. Life is hard, sin kills; death brings fear. Good thing salvation is easy.
Christ has done it all for you.
Jesus’ ascension is Good
News, for He has taken to the Father all of our righteousness and salvation and
the Devil can't take it away from Him. It's like the big kid who holds the ball
up in the air so that the little kid can't jump up and swipe it away. The Devil
would love to snatch us and our righteousness away from Jesus, but he can't do
it. He's powerless now that Jesus is ascended and crowned with glory.
Jesus ascends to prepare
a place for you. To make ready for your homecoming. And what a joy that will
be. But your joy – like the disciples’ joy – is not limited to some day off in
the future. It is good to pray, “come quickly, Lord Jesus. We long for your
return.” And yet he comes to us even now. Jesus is ascended and hidden but he’s
not gone.
You want forgiveness?
Don’t go to Calvary. Go to the Lord’s Supper. For the forgiveness won for you
on the cross comes to you here. Christ’s Life and Salvation won freely for you
on the cross is distributed here freely for you in the Sacrament.
In the Lord’s Supper, Jesus is closer to his church today
than he ever was with his disciples. There’s no need to stare at
the clouds wondering where He is. Jesus is right where He promises to be for
you: in the Scriptures, the Prayers, the Breaking of the Bread. Jesus is
ascended and hidden, but not gone. He is risen. He is ascended.
He is with you always.
And join the angels and the disciples and all the saints in heaven in
joyful thanksgiving: “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain for all power and riches
and wisdom and strength and honor and blessing are glory are his.” And all that
is his, is yours.
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