Ok. First thing’s first; I need you to close your eyes. I know, it sounds a bit elementary. But play along with me. “Knock! Knock! Knock! (sound of hammer hitting wood). Now open them. What do you think of when you hear that sound? A knock on the door? An obnoxious salesman? Two guys in black ties and bicycles? Kids looking for tricks or treats?
But what drove Luther’s hammer? What made him swing the nail
and the notice into place that All Hallows Eve? It wasn’t success. Fame. Power.
Women. Money. It was a simple question: How can a rotten, guilty sinner stand
in the presence of a holy righteous God?
The church of Luther’s day had an answer for that: you can’t, that is
unless you had somehow made satisfaction for your sins. Work hard enough and
you’ll get out of purgatory eventually. Luther had worked hard and was still
left only in despair. His good works were never enough to blot out that guilt
of sin. The Law only increased his sin. That’s the killer about the Law – there’s
always room for improvement. We’re never good enough. How can you get to heaven
climbing that ladder? Well, the church had an answer for that too:
You buy one of these indulgences – a piece of paper
guaranteed by the Pope himself, given out by John Tetzel and sold to the people
granting them partial, and in some cases plenary – or full – remission of their
sins and the sins of their relatives. Instant freedom from purgatory.
But The hammer stroke that fell on October 31, 1517 goes to
the very heart of what the Reformation is all about, answering that question:
how can sinners, dead in trespasses stand before a holy righteous God? On the
basis of works or merits or slips of paper or coins or anything we do? No. Not
at all. Rather it is solely by the grace of God through Christ – a righteousness
manifested to us apart from the Law, Paul says – that assures us of heaven,
life, salvation, forgiveness and all other good gifts of Christ.
21 But now the
righteousness of God apart from the law is revealed, being witnessed by the Law
and the Prophets, 22 even the righteousness of God, through faith in Jesus
Christ, to all and on all who believe. For there is no difference; 23 for
all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 being justified
freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, 25 whom
God set forth as a propitiation by His blood, through faith, to demonstrate His
righteousness, because in His forbearance God had passed over the sins that
were previously committed, 26 to demonstrate at the present time His
righteousness, that He might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith
in Jesus. (Romans 3)
That knock! Knock! of the hammer wasn’t only about the sale
of indulgences. It was the Christ’s Gospel beginning to break Luther out of his
prison of despair. After Luther put the hammer away, he picked up the pen and the
Scriptures. And he found therein the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ who though
he was rich, for our sakes became poor. He found a Savior who rescues
rebellious sinners by being numbered with them. He found a redeemer who
exchanges everything he has – holiness, eternal life, righteousness and takes
all that we have – sin, death, guilt. He found the God who knew no sin, yet for
our sakes became sin. He found Christ Crucified and the hope that comes from
knowing that Christ justifies the ungodly. That was Luther’s comfort and it’s
ours. This is the message that still rings throughout the entire Christian
church. And that’s what drove Luther’s hammer. It may have taken him years more
to discover the full weight of the Wittenberg post but it all began with the
swing of a hammer.

...Katrina, I am a sinner, a great sinner.
Yes, that you are Johannes. But Jesus is a still greater Savior.
...Yes, he is a great Savior for those who let themselves be saved. But my heart is not clean, my mind is evil; I do not have the new spirit.
They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick. He came not to call the righteous, but sinners.
Yes, Katrina, but it reads 'to repentance'. It is repentance that I lack.
You do not lack repentance, Johannes, but faith. You have walked the way of repentance for thirty years.
And still not attained to it!
Johannes, said the woman, almost sternly, answer me this question: do you really want your heart to be clean?
Yes, Katrina. God knows that I want that.
Then your repentance is also as true as it can be in a corrupt son of Adam in this world. Your danger is not that you lack repentance, but that you have been drifting away from faith.
What, then, shall I believe, Katrina?
You must believe this living Word of God: 'But to him that worketh not, but believeth in him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted as righteousness.' Up to this day you have believed in works and looked at your own heart. You saw only sin and wretchedness, because God anointed your eye with the salve of the Spirit to see the truth. Do you have sin in your heart, Johannes?
Yes, answered the sick man timidly, much sin, altogether too much.
Just that should make clear to you that God has not forsaken you, said the woman firmly. Only he can see his sin who has the Holy Spirit.
...I mean, Johannes, that if you had received a clean heart and for that reason had been able to earn salvation - to what end would you then need a Savior? If the law could save a single one of us, Jesus surely would not have needed to die on the cross...
...Have you anything else to say, Katrina?
Yes, on more thing, Johannes. Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
Do you mean...? Do you really mean that he takes away also the sin that dwells in my unclean heart?
Yes, he atoned for all that sin, when he died in your place...
...Amen, I believe! said Johannes in a voice that could barely be heard. Katrina rose and put the Bible on the table.
Now God's work has taken place. Now you must ask the pastor to give you the holy sacrament.
And you know what else comes to mind when we hear that Knock! Knock! Knock! of the hammer blow?
Yes, that you are Johannes. But Jesus is a still greater Savior.
...Yes, he is a great Savior for those who let themselves be saved. But my heart is not clean, my mind is evil; I do not have the new spirit.
They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick. He came not to call the righteous, but sinners.
Yes, Katrina, but it reads 'to repentance'. It is repentance that I lack.
You do not lack repentance, Johannes, but faith. You have walked the way of repentance for thirty years.
And still not attained to it!
Johannes, said the woman, almost sternly, answer me this question: do you really want your heart to be clean?
Yes, Katrina. God knows that I want that.
Then your repentance is also as true as it can be in a corrupt son of Adam in this world. Your danger is not that you lack repentance, but that you have been drifting away from faith.
What, then, shall I believe, Katrina?
You must believe this living Word of God: 'But to him that worketh not, but believeth in him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted as righteousness.' Up to this day you have believed in works and looked at your own heart. You saw only sin and wretchedness, because God anointed your eye with the salve of the Spirit to see the truth. Do you have sin in your heart, Johannes?
Yes, answered the sick man timidly, much sin, altogether too much.
Just that should make clear to you that God has not forsaken you, said the woman firmly. Only he can see his sin who has the Holy Spirit.
...I mean, Johannes, that if you had received a clean heart and for that reason had been able to earn salvation - to what end would you then need a Savior? If the law could save a single one of us, Jesus surely would not have needed to die on the cross...
...Have you anything else to say, Katrina?
Yes, on more thing, Johannes. Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
Do you mean...? Do you really mean that he takes away also the sin that dwells in my unclean heart?
Yes, he atoned for all that sin, when he died in your place...
...Amen, I believe! said Johannes in a voice that could barely be heard. Katrina rose and put the Bible on the table.
Now God's work has taken place. Now you must ask the pastor to give you the holy sacrament.
And you know what else comes to mind when we hear that Knock! Knock! Knock! of the hammer blow?
The sign of your salvation hung over Jesus’ head. Here hangs Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews. Your sins are forgiven. Your debt is paid. His wounds are for you. His death is for you. The only indulgence you need is the flesh of Jesus. There’s your guarantee of eternal life. On the cross. Sealed in blood. Vindicated by his resurrection. Poured over you in Baptism. Spoken to you in Absolution. Fed to you in the Lord’s Supper. Those are free gifts for you, because Christ bore the cost for you. Paid in full. It is finished. You are justified. A Blessed Reformation day to you all. Stay Lutheran, my friends.
In the Name of + Jesus. Amen.
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