Day of Thanksgiving: Deuteronomy 8:1-10; 1 Timothy 2:1-4; Luke 17-11-19
In the Name of the Father and of the + Son and of the Holy Spirit.

And that’s how our
world – and our sinful nature - understands gift-giving, no matter when it happens:
not a gift, but a transaction, a bargain, a deal. We give in order to get in
return. To our old sinful nature, gifts are marked Free with an asterisk. There
are always conditions or strings attached to our gift giving. Now I’ve gotta do
something for you. Give something back. Measure up.
And we treat a day of
Thanksgiving no differently. Obligation. Duty. Somehow, we must give God a gift
of equal measure – a thank you note worthy of his appreciation.
But there’s the hang up; you can’t. What could you possibly give that
Jesus doesn’t already have? If life and forgiveness with God is a transaction,
our sin leaves us dead every time; sorry, but your card is denied; your credit
is no good here. We’ve got it all
In the fullness of
time God gave His only begotten Son, to be born of a Virgin, to be born under the
Law to redeem us who are under the Law. He
was given up, betrayed. He gave his hands to the nails and his head to the
thorns and his body to the cross. Thus he bowed his head and gave up his spirit
in order to give you life. Jesus is the gift. The same body born of Mary, the
body that healed and taught and suffered and died and rose – is the same body given
to his disciples on the night in which he was betrayed. And He gives you that
same body and blood in the holy Eucharist, the only Thanksgiving Meal in town
you’ll feel better after eating and drinking; there’s always room for more
This is how God gives.
No strings attached. No asterisks or fine print. No deals. Jesus gives unconditionally.
Without any merit or worthiness in you. It's not a deal, it's a gift.
Undeserved. Free. In a word: love. God loves the world in this manner: He gives
us Jesus. And Jesus gives himself on the cross, selflessly, in utter humility
for the world, for you. A gift given. Wrapped in swaddling clothes. Hung on a
cross. Raised from the dead. It's a fact whether you believe it or not, want it
or not, like it or not.

But look what Jesus gets
in return. See! I told you so, Jesus; that’s not how gift giving works around
here. How many came back? Nine. That’s right! Nine! Nine never returned thanks.
Didn’t even take a few minutes to say, “Thanks Jesus! Really appreciate it!
You’re a life saver!” No thank you card. No email note. Nothing. Nada. Zip.
Zilch. Zero.
Maybe this teaches you a lesson Jesus! You just can’t go around indiscriminately loving and healing people, let alone lepers! You just can’t recklessly give out gifts to anybody and everybody that hangs around street corners. You have to have limits. Standards. Criteria. Percentages. Nine Jesus! Nine out of ten didn’t come back to even say “Thanks.”
Maybe this teaches you a lesson Jesus! You just can’t go around indiscriminately loving and healing people, let alone lepers! You just can’t recklessly give out gifts to anybody and everybody that hangs around street corners. You have to have limits. Standards. Criteria. Percentages. Nine Jesus! Nine out of ten didn’t come back to even say “Thanks.”
Thankfully, Jesus
takes the risk. Takes the chance. Sets no conditions. Does no pre-healing interviews
to see who deserves his grace; or who’ll say a proper thank you. He heals all ten.
Then off He goes to Jerusalem, to Good Friday, to His High Priestly work of
dying for them. For you and for me. And some, even many don’t’ give a flying .
. . Nine to be precise.
And that’s what faith
does: Faith praises Christ and His gifts. Faith gives thanks. Faith looks to
the Giver and the gifts and cries out with the lepers, “Jesus, Master, have
mercy on us.”
And like the Samaritan
we stand before Jesus tonight, as we do every Sunday, always as beggars with
empty hands, unlikely and undeserving and unworthy recipients though we are. We receive everything we have as an undeserved gift
from Him. Giving thanks simply shows that we have heard the gospel and have
received God’s grace. That we believe in Jesus who risked everything for
us and for our salvation.
For Jesus doesn’t benefit from our thanking Him. We do! It's just like Divine Service. God doesn't need your worship, but you need the gifts He's giving out. Yes, it’s the other way around. The more we thank God the Father through Jesus Christ His dear Son, the more we recognize how generously and bountifully He deals with us.
For Jesus doesn’t benefit from our thanking Him. We do! It's just like Divine Service. God doesn't need your worship, but you need the gifts He's giving out. Yes, it’s the other way around. The more we thank God the Father through Jesus Christ His dear Son, the more we recognize how generously and bountifully He deals with us.
And how abundant Christ’s
forgiveness truly is: In Jesus death you are given life. And Jesus’ cross is
the giving tree. From his death He washes you in blood and water, giving you
new life and new birth in Baptism (just as Aubrey received tonight).
From his death, he
proclaims his verdict over your sin once more in absolution: “it is finished! I
gave my life for every one of your sins.” From his body broken in death on the cross he gives you His Holy Supper, His death destroying, sin forgiving, life sustaining body and blood given you in your own mouth, His words ringing in your own ears. “Be of good cheer, my son; your sins are forgiven.”
For God can't help
Himself. He loves to give. He loves giving out gifts to His children. And He
loves when His children receive His gifts. It is the Father's joy that you
receive the gifts of creation, the gift of His Son, the gift of salvation, the
gift of the Spirit and new life and adoption and the opportunity to call Him
Father with delight.
A blessed thanksgiving to you all.
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