Welcome to Epiphany, the season that follows Christmas. But
what does this mean? Usually when we hear the word, “epiphany,” we find
ourselves saying, “I had an epiphany” or “the light went on” or “Eureka!” In a
way this is fitting. Epiphany literally means to reveal or make known or
manifest something or someone.

Matthew bookends his Gospel
with a Word of hope and promise that salvation has come to the gentiles through
Christ, the Savior of the nations. In the Epiphany of our Lord, we see a foreshadowing
of Jesus’ words to his disciples before he ascends to the right hand of God:
Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in
heaven and on earth. As
you are going, make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of
the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I
have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen. (Matthew 28:18-20)
Thus, Epiphany is also a season where Church
reflects and focuses on the mission of God and her calling in that mission: to faithfully
proclaim, witness, declare, and defend the Gospel and to accompany that
proclamation with works of mercy. In other words, Epiphany is a season for
evangelism and outreach as Christ continues to reveal and make known – as he “epiphanies”
– his death and resurrection for us and for all sinners.
This Epiphany season is the time for us as a
congregation to be more intentional about mission and evangelism in our local
area. It’s easy to send in a check to the far reaches of the globe or across
the United States. And while this is important and necessary work we must be
careful of not falling into an either / or trap, either foreign mission or
local. The answer is both. Because we also have a mission field right in our
backyard: the preschool, our music academy, bible studies, Gospel Seeds and
other opportunities around Redeemer where the Gospel of Jesus – crucified for
your sins – is clearly proclaimed and tangible mercy is given to those in need.
For years Redeemer’s newsletter and bulletin have included the following words:
“Clear Witness – Caring Service – Together.” Recently, our Synod has adopted a
similar slogan: “Witness, Mercy, Life Together.” But if these words are just a
slogan, then we ought not call ourselves Christians or a Church.
Here at Redeemer we do not lack
opportunities to share the Good News of Jesus – Advent by Candlelight, Sunday
Services, Weekly Bible studies, devotion booklets and a host of other
resources. What we lack is action on those many treasures that our Lord has
blessed us with.
How will we reach out to our neighbor this
season and this New Year? How will each of us take personal responsibility to reach out to our neighbor in need? What message
will your friends and neighbors hear when you invite them to church – that
you’re simply doing it because you want a divine pat on the back or because you
genuinely care about their spiritual welfare, that you simply want
their wallets for a building program or because you actually care about them in body and soul?
During Epiphany, and all year round, Christ
continues to richly bless this congregation with many gifts whereby we can
reveal, make known and “epiphany” Christ’s salvation to our community,
neighbors and friends. And the heart of the Epiphany season – and every season
– is the Divine Service. Christ’s body and blood are the life-blood of the
Church. Christ calls us to his altar, feeds, forgives and saves and then sends
us out free and forgiven to serve the neighbor. And while we don’t always see
what happens to those gospel seeds that are scattered upon our conversations,
visitors and outreach events here at Redeemer, we know this: the Lord is
faithful to his promise: “Lo, I am with you always to the end of the age.”
“For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven,
And do not return there,
But water the earth,
And make it bring forth and bud,
That it may give seed to the sower
And bread to the eater,
So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth;
It shall not return to Me void,
But it shall accomplish what I please,
And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.
(Isaiah 55:10-11)
And do not return there,
But water the earth,
And make it bring forth and bud,
That it may give seed to the sower
And bread to the eater,
So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth;
It shall not return to Me void,
But it shall accomplish what I please,
And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.
(Isaiah 55:10-11)
All of this may seem overwhelming. But do not be afraid; sharing
the Gospel with someone is this simple: “Jesus died for you on the cross.” And
by the Lord’s Word and Spirit we share the Good News one person, one
invitation, one word of comfort at a time. Some plant, others water, but God
gives the growth.
So, here is short list of 5 simple ways that every Christian can be an evangelist. It’s not exhaustive, but it’s a start.
So, here is short list of 5 simple ways that every Christian can be an evangelist. It’s not exhaustive, but it’s a start.
Divine Service, receive the Lord’s Supper frequently, and attend Bible study regularly. Evangelism begins in the congregation and
then outward to our families and then our neighbors. If we aren’t fed and
nourished the study of God’s Word how can we begin to tell our neighbor why they
should be fed and nourished? If we don’t know what we believe, what are we
going to share with those who don’t believe in Christ? Through his Word, Christ
is teaching us to know what we believe and why we believe it so we can give a
reason for the hope that is within us (1 Peter 3:15).
2. Invite your friends, family, and
neighbors to church or bible study or one of our primary evangelism events,
such as our Saturday morning seminars and studies or midweek services. Even
though an invitation isn’t the gospel per se, it points our neighbors in the
right direction. We see this in the New Testament repeatedly: “Sir, we would
see Jesus” (John 12:21) and Andrew’s famous, “Come and see” (John 1:39). Invitations
are easy; the worst people can say is no…and they just might say yes! Here are
just a few upcoming events and ongoing activities worthy of an invitation:
Christmas services – December 24th at 5:00, 7:30 and 11:00 pm;
December 25th at 10:00 am. The Music Academy, led by Pat Anderson,
is a great way to share the joy of music and the gospel with our community. Ask
her for more information. And the preschool can always use your word of mouth
support spreading the word to families with children. Whatever the occasion is
and whomever you are talking to, the personal contact and relationships we have
in our everyday lives are where the best evangelism takes place. Your vocation is your mission field.
Greet a visitor
on Sunday morning or any other time you see a new face around Redeemer. Before
talking with the people you know and love, greet the unknown in Christ. This
isn’t the job of the ushers alone; it belongs to everyone. Look for the
visitors in the pews and on the patio. No need to carry on a long conversation
– unless it turns into that. We have a habit of being too cliquey. Visitors
notice when we go out of our way to say good morning and welcome them to
church. It’s as simple as this: “It’s great to see you here; thank you for
coming. We hope to see you again.”
Pass out
a devotion book or any number of useful resources at church along onto your
neighbors or un-churched friends. We hand out the Portals of Prayer as well as
the Higher Things devotion booklets regularly. These are easy, non-threatening
ways to share a comforting word with your neighbors. Are any of your friends
grieving the death of loved ones or suffering illness or other issues of body
and soul? The information cart, as well as your pastors, has a wealth of
information ready to share with others in need suitable any of life’s
involved. You can start by talking to Wayne Anderson, the Board of
Evangelism (BOE) or your elders and pastors. The BOE is already hard at work in
our neighborhoods and community. But the harvest is plenty and the workers are
few. If you’re interested in evangelism there are endless ways to use the gifts
God has given you to share the Good News with others. And just in case nothing
comes to mind immediately, here are some specific areas the BOE could use your
help in with:
follow up - help send cards or make phone calls to visitors we receive for
services and other events.
welcome packets - help assemble these so that we have something to hand out
to our guests, telling them what Redeemer believes, teaches and confesses.
visitor mugs – that’s right, we “mug” our visitors. A coffee cup with a few
pieces of information inside is a great conversation starter. We need help
making more of these and getting them out on the information cart and into
visitor’s hands.
Join us
for Gospel Seeds – this is a simple way to get to know our neighbor’s needs
and come together as a congregation to act with mercy in addressing those
Talk with
Seminarian Jim Toma – he is beginning to work with the Hispanic community
in our area. He could use your help. Talk to him and find out how you can help.
A blessed Epiphany season to you all as we go forth by the
grace of God - fed in His Supper, comforted in His Word and saved by the
Epiphany of His Son, Christ our Lord – to Clear Witness and Caring Service,
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