Yet, these two women, Jill Pole and the Samaritan woman, have more in common than they do in contrast Both had sinned. Both came face to face with the Lion who could not be tamed. Both were lost, thirsty, and alone. Both could find only one stream that would satisfy. Both received more than they expected.
"If you're thirsty, you may drink."
...she had seen its lips move this time, and the voice was not like a man's. It was deeper, wilder, and stronger; a sort of heavy, golden voice. It did not make her any less frightened than she had been before, but it made her frightened in a rather different sort of way.
"Are you not thirsty? said the Lion.
"I'm dying of thirst," said Jill.
"Then drink," said the Lion.
"May I - could I - would you mind going away while I do?" said Jill. "Will you promise not to - do anything to me, if I do come?" said Jill.
"I make no promise," said the Lion.
"Do you eat girls?" she said.
"I've swallowed up girls and boys, women and men, kings and emperors, cities and realms," said the Lion.
"I daren't come and drink," said Jill.
"Then you will die of thirst," said the Lion.
"Oh dear!" said Jill..."I suppose I must go and look for another stream then."
"There is no other stream," said the Lion.
It was the coldest, most refreshing water she had ever tasted. You didn't need to drink much of it, for it quenched your thirst at once. (C.S. Lewis, Silver Chair, p. 556)

You also have come to the streams of the great Lion, where living water flows freely from his side to you in the font. There is no other stream. There is no other well. For there is no need of any other. This Lion of the Tribe of Judah gives you true living water. Take and drink and live forever. Water is life. Jesus is your living water, from Samaria to all the ends of the earth, even to eternal life.
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