+ 4th Sunday of Easter 2014, May 11th +
Redeemer Lutheran, HBSeries A: Acts 2:42-47; 1 Peter 2:17-25; John 10:1-10
In the Name of the Father and of the + Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Today is often called Good Shepherd Sunday but what do we hear
from John’s apostolic pen?
I AM the door.
How ordinary. I AM the Door? C’mon, really?! What about I AM the
good shepherd – now there’s some rich biblical imagery. Or I AM the way, the
truth, and the life – there’s something we all need in this post-modern age. Or
how about I AM the vine or I AM the resurrection and the life – that’s
understandable. Even Jesus saying I AM the morning star or I AM the alpha and
the omega – makes more sense.
But I AM the door? What are we supposed to do with that?
There are plenty of Christ the Vine, Light of Christ, or Good Shepherd Lutheran
churches. Ever seen a Christ the Door Lutheran Church? That’s what I thought.
And I’m guessing that for most of us doors probably don’t light your fire. Then
again, people are strange.
Aren’t doors, as Jim Morrison reminds us, a way for us to break on
through to the other side? Aren’t doors just a way to get from point A to point
B? There’s nothing significant about a door…or is there.
Although this 4th Sunday of Easter is most commonly known as Good Shepherd Sunday,
today could just as well be Christ the Door Sunday. Jesus is behind both
titles: Door and Shepherd. Jesus is both Door and Shepherd. And John’s Gospel
records the why and how.
Jesus, the Good Shepherd, is our Door to eternal life.
I AM the door.
Doors vary in form and function, but in the Christian church there
is only one door and it only comes in one shape: Jesus crucified. This doorway
of the cross is an eternal portal. And it’s both narrow and wide.
It is a narrow door through which the last come first; a door
through which it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than
for us who are rich in trespasses to enter in. It is a narrow door and we must
be stripped of our self-righteousness, pride, and sin in order to fit through
it. We must lose our life in order to find it in Christ.
And yet this door of Christ Crucified is wide. It is wide enough
for all sinners to enter and find rest in Christ’s sheepfold. For as bad and as
great as our sin is, it’s not greater than Jesus’ cross. There’s no sin and no
sinner for whom Jesus did not die. Jesus’ death and resurrection is greater
than your sin, my sin, and the sin of the world. Jesus cross is a door large
enough to swallow up your death, guilt, and sin. Jesus took it all, nailed it
to his body on the tree. And as Jesus’s tomb opened on Easter morning the
doorway of death was closed forever.
That’s Jesus’ promise given to each of you in
Baptism. Your sin is forgiven. You’re not left outside knocking on heaven’s
door. Jesus’ cross is your doorway. The doorway of paradise is no longer guarded
by angels and flaming swords. Now the road to the Promised Land runs through
the font. The door to the green pastures of Christ’s new creation is opened to
you in Holy Baptism. Today, and always, in the water of Baptism you are with
Jesus in paradise. For on the cross he opened the vault of his wounded side to
pour out his redeeming blood and water upon you. Jesus throws us into the belly
of the font, drowns our sin, and then spits us out again in resurrected life. And
so Holy Baptism is your door; just as it is for Jonah today. Jonah’s door, your
door, my door.
The sheep hear his voice, and he calls
his own sheep by name and leads them out. Shepherd. Door. Savior.
Jesus does it all for you. Jesus came that you may have life, and have it
I AM the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture.
Jesus is the entrance to God’ kingdom and the
destination all in one. Thy kingdom come. And he does, in your human flesh. In
his word you hear today. In his pouring out forgiveness and the Spirit in water
and word. In his body and blood which we eat and drink. Jesus the Good Shepherd
is also your door, and the door is also your shepherd.
Jesus, the Good Shepherd, is your Door to eternal life.
“Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the
sheep. All who came before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not
listen to them.
Jesus contrasts himself with the thief and robber. The Shepherd
enters by way of the door, but thieves and robbers climb in some other way. And
that “other way” is never the way of Jesus’ death and resurrection. You can
always tell a thief or a robber from the shepherd by the message he brings.
Listen closely. Anyone who does not preach Jesus Christ to be your Shepherd,
who bore you sins on the cross, who laid down His life for your salvation, in
whom you are justified before God freely for Jesus’ sake, is not speaking on
behalf of the Good Shepherd.
It doesn’t matter if he’s wearing a clerical collar, or flowing
robes, a business suit, or a Hawaiian shirt. It doesn’t matter whether he uses
PowerPoint or powerful points to make his point. If what he says is not
connected to the narrow door of Jesus’ death and resurrection, he is a thief
and a robber and a wolf in sheep’s clothing. It doesn’t matter if his church is
crowded with people, your bank account swells to new levels, or whatever he
says feels good. If he doesn’t preach Christ and Him crucified, he’s a thief
and not a shepherd.
Don’t look at the messenger; listen to the message. The thief
comes only to steal and kill and destroy. He may sound nice enough, maybe even
nicer than the shepherd, but don’t trust him for a second. The devil
masquerades as an angel of light.
Jesus is your only door. There is no other. But that doesn’t seem
to stop us from looking for another door or another voice to listen to instead.
The Lord’s my shepherd, I shall not want...anything, that is, except what I
desire and deserve. He makes me to lie down in green pastures, but I spy grass
that is greener on the other side of the fence. He leads me beside the still
waters, but I know of far more exciting places where I’d love to slake my
thirst. He makes me to walk in the paths of righteousness when all I want is to
run in the open fields of the world—eating where I want, do what I want with
whom I want and whenever I want to do it. He leads me for His name’s sake, but
I want to make a name for myself.
All we like sheep have gone astray. Repent of
your sinful, sheepish ways. Return to the Shepherd and bishop of your souls.
Listen to his voice.
The Lord is your Good Shepherd. And all He wants
is you. I who so often turn my back on the fold and its shepherd? Yes, you. I
who have cursed His staff, ignored His call, gone my own way? Yes, you. I who
have been more like a wolf than a sheep, angrily tearing away at those around
me? Yes, the Good Shepherd wants only you.
Jesus came that you may have life, and have it
abundantly. You are the people of his pasture and the sheep of his hand.
For Jesus, the Good Shepherd, is your Door to eternal life.
Excellent, thanks alot!