+ Advent
1 – November 30th, 2014 +
Redeemer Lutheran, HB
Series B: Isaiah 64:1-9; 1 Corinthians 1:3-9; Mark 11:1-10
In the Name of the Father and of the + Son and of the Holy
Spirit. Amen.
that you would rend the heavens and come down…
God will
sustain you to the end, guiltless in the day of our Lord Jesus
Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the
name of the Lord!
Isaiah, Paul, the Palm Sunday crowd – they sound the Advent
bell. They give us the word of the season: coming. That’s what Advent means:
Jesus is coming. The King is coming.
While the world counts the Black Friday profits and prepares for Cyber
Monday, the Christian church prepares for the Advent of Jesus.
Advent is an oasis from the shopping mall mayhem. Advent calls
us to be sober, keep watch; it is a season of hope, expectation, and longing
that flies in the face of our sinful desires for instant gratification.
No wonder Advent is unfamiliar to the world. Most people, if
asked, would say it’s a time to get ready for Christmas: buy your Trader Joe’s
chocolate advent calendars; countdown the shopping days until Christmas; a time
for cooking and baking. And there’s nothing
wrong with any of those things. But there’s something more going on.
Advent is really a season of three Advents, three comings of
our Lord. We look backward to his coming in humility: a baby born in a feeding
trough; a man of sorrows acquainted with grief; a suffering servant who rode
into Jerusalem on a borrowed donkey to die for the sins of the world…to die for
We also look forward to his second coming. The Day of the Lord. Even now in the darkness, Light
has dawned. Get ready. The One who came in humility and who comes by Word and Sacrament
will come in glory for you.
And while we look backward to his first
coming in human flesh and forward to his coming in glory, Jesus comes in the
hidden glory of words, water, bread, and wine here, today. Jesus is truly
Immanuel – God with us. God with us in the Word read and the absolution given.
God with us in our Baptism. God with us by His body and blood. We join the
crowds in praising our King as we prepare to receive his body and blood.
Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the
name of the Lord!
We need Advent. For we come to this season – each of us –
bearing different burdens. We see the world around us coming unglued.
Infectious diseases. Civil unrest and rioting. Political tension on all sides.
Wars and rumors of wars. An economy quick to collapse and slow to recover.
We see our families nearer to us struggling as well. Cancer
and illnesses plague those closest to us. Families struggling to make ends
meet. Close friends and dear loved ones die, all of them sooner than we’d like.
Grief seems to hit us hardest around the holidays.
These are not abstract people or examples. They are all of us.
They are your brothers and sisters in Christ in this congregation. Think about
who might need your help, or who is hurting but won’t ask for assistance. Certainly
we rejoice together, but during this Advent season do not neglect to suffer
with one another; to bear one another’s burdens.
Life in this fallen world causes us to cry out with Isaiah: “Oh that you would rend the heavens and
come down.” Haven’t we all had an Isaiah 64
moment? Come down, O Lord and save. Come down, O Lord and rescue. Our world
needs Advent.
We need Advent.
For we also come bearing the burden of our
own sin. We have all become like one who is
unclean, and all our righteous deeds are like a polluted garment. We all fade
like a leaf, and our iniquities, like the wind, take us away.
Advent is also a season of repentance.
That’s how our Lord prepares us for all of his comings among us. But repentance
leads us to another word: a cry for mercy, a renewed call of faith’s trust in
the mercy and promise of God. Hosanna – which means Lord save us. Lord, have
mercy on me a sinner. “Be not so terribly
angry, O Lord, and remember not iniquity forever.”
Yes, our righteousness is like filthy rags
in dire need of laundering. “Don’t remember it, Lord.” “Forgive our iniquities
and remember our sins no more, as you have promised.” We are your people. We
are baptized. You have claimed us with your Name. You have marked us as your
own possession. Now don’t forget us.” God remembers us, but He chooses to
remember not our sins…all because of Jesus, your Advent King.
Jesus is your Immanuel: God “with us” in
Baptism, in the Supper, in the spoken Word of forgiveness in His Name. Jesus is
with us as He promised, “I will be with you always until the end of the ages.”
Advent is a reminder that Jesus hasn’t really gone anywhere in going to heaven.
Rather, He’s returned to His former glory at the right hand of the Father in
order that He might be “all in all” and “fill all things in every way.” So, in
Advent we are waiting for the One who is already here now. The kingdom we are
waiting for is the kingdom that has already come. The glory we are waiting for
is the glory that is already here, now in a humble and hidden way, but still
very much here.
That’s why we sing Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the
Lord! When we go to Holy Communion. The same King who came to
Jerusalem in humility upon a donkey, now comes in the humble forms of bread and
wine, with his body and blood to save you.
Rejoice for, “we are not lacking in any spiritual gift, as you wait for the revealing
of our Lord Jesus Christ, who will sustain you to the end, guiltless in the day
of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Dear baptized children of God, you lack
nothing. Christ’s gifts overflow here for you. Where the Word is preached,
where the Body and Blood of Christ are, where there is Baptism, there you have
every spiritual gift needed to prepare the way of the Lord. And Jesus gives you
those gifts – His gifts of water, word, body and blood, whether you feel it or
not; whether you’re having a Happy Advent or a Merry Christmas or not; even if
the world is raging around you; and sin and death are knocking at our door. Jesus
comes in Advent for you.
Jesus came for your rescue in Jerusalem.
He’ll come again to return you to your heavenly home with him when he comes in
glory. And he comes today to forgive you, to sustain in your Advent journey,
and to fill your hearts and minds with Advent joy, to sing with all the saints:
Hosanna! Blessed
is he who comes in the name of the Lord!
Indeed. Blessed are you
who come in the name of the Lord.
In the Name of the Father
and of the + Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
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