Sunday, April 9, 2023

Sermon for The Resurrection of Our Lord: "Something New"

 + The Resurrection of Our Lord - April 9th, 2023 +

Series A: Acts 10:34-43; Colossians 3:1-4; Matthew 28:1-10

Beautiful Savior Lutheran

Milton, WA



Alleluia! Christ is Risen! 


In the Name of the Father and of the + Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


We often find ourselves longing for something new, only to be disappointed. That new truck is old the second your tire rolls into the street. That new iPhone is out of date the moment you turn it on and say, “Hey, Siri.” Imagine the joy of finding something that truly lasts, that is forever new. 


“Well, that sounds great, pastor, but we live in the real world where things break down, decay, and die.” That’s true. But that’s not the whole truth. 


Because today God’s new creation has broken into this old fallen world. Because today something enduring, eternal, and new has happened. A new day dawns. Christ is risen from the dead. 


And in Jesus’ death and resurrection you are redeemed and renewed; you are reconciled and restored. In Christ’s death and resurrection you are given something new. Jesus’ death for you. Jesus’ life for you. Jesus’ resurrection from the dead for you. A new day indeed! 


But for Mary and Mary it hardly felt like a new day. It was the day after the Sabbath day. The first day of the week. As morning broke, they walked to see Jesus’ tomb expecting nothing new.


And yet, something new had happened. The earth that trembled with sorrow at Jesus’ crucifixion shook with joy as an angel of the Lord descended to announce Jesus’ resurrection. The sky shrouded in darkness three days earlier was pierced by the blinding white light of the angel’s appearance. Roman guards had taunted and mocked Jesus as he hanged on the cross and died. The guards posted at his tomb, however, collapse in fear as though dead. The great stone that Joseph of Arimathea had rolled over the entrance of Jesus’ tomb was rolled aside by the angel. 


Normally, angels appear, and speak. Deliver their message. And off they go from sight. Not this angel. Not on this day. The angel rolled back the stone. And sat on it. A new day has begun. The day of our Lord’s victory over the grave. The day of our Lord’s triumph over Death. 


“Do not be afraid, for I know that you are seeking Jesus, who is crucified. He is not here, for he was raised, just as he said.”


For the women at the tomb, and for us, death is nothing new. We see it in the world. On the news. in our lives. Family members die. Friends die. Our brothers and sisters in Christ die. There’s nothing new about death. It’s as old as Adam and Eve’s sin in the Garden.


The women saw Jesus die. Saw him crucified in brutal, bloody, pain. Saw him taken down from the cross. Saw him wrapped in clothes. Saw him buried in the tomb, the very tomb they were standing by as the angel told them something new. Something new had happened for the women. For me. For you. Jesus, the one who was and is the crucified one, is also now the resurrected one. 


He is not here, for he was raised, just as he said. This good news of Jesus saving work redeems and restores, what reconciles and renews. Jesus’ death for you. Jesus’ resurrection for you. Jesus’ word and promise kept for you. Behold, I make all things new. The old has gone. The new has come. New life. New day. New creation. 


The women came to see the tomb. But now the angel shows them something completely different. Something beautiful and comforting and new all at once. “Come, see the place where he used to lie.”


Used to lie. But no longer. Come, see the place where Death has met its match. Come, see the place where your Redeemer took his Sabbath day rest to restore you. Come, see the place where Jesus broke the power of Death and Sin and opened the gate of new and everlasting life for you. Come, see the place where all the brokenness of your sin, your death, and the devil have been broken forever. Come, see the place where something new happened for you. 


“Do not be afraid, for I know that you are seeking Jesus, who is crucified. He is not here, for he was raised, just as he said.”


One promise kept. Jesus rose from the dead…just as he said. Now, the women go to see Jesus’ other promise kept. “Go quickly and tell his disciples: ‘He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.’ 


The women left the tomb. Filled with fear and great joy. They ran to tell the disciples. Something new has happened. But their sprint is interrupted.           Jesus met them. Jesus seeks them out. Comes to meet them. Our Lord does the same thing for you this Easter Sunday. Jesus meets you in his forgiving, renewing word. Jesus meets you in the regenerating waters of your Baptism. Jesus meets you at his table where he pours out his body and blood redeemed for you now in bread and wine to reconcile you. Come, see the place where he still lies for you.


Jesus met them. Jesus speaks. “Greetings!” Friendship. Love. Grace. Peace. Forgiveness. It's all wrapped up in that word, Greetings. 


The women respond in faith. They fell down. Grabbed his feet for dear life. They worshiped Jesus. Here Jesus is rightly worshiped for who he is and what he has done. God in human flesh. Crucified. Dead. Buried. Risen from the dead. 


They took hold of his feet. The feet that were cold and colorless the day before, the feet that once again are warm with blood flowing through them, there the women worship. And so do we. Where Jesus’ word, water, body and blood are, there you are at the feet of Jesus. There we come like the women at the tomb in humble, awe-filled joy, receiving all he did and won and gives to you. 


These are the feet of God and yet the feet of a man as well. Real feet. A real man. A real body. A physical resurrection from the dead. Not an illusion. Not a vision. Not a ghost or figment of the women’s imagination. Flesh and blood feet. Flesh and blood resurrection. Flesh and blood Jesus crucified and risen for you. Flesh and blood on the altar for you today.


How about that for something new! Jesus rose from the dead. And because he lives so do you. Because he rose from the dead, so will you on the Last Day a real, bodily, physical resurrection from the dead, a glorified, resurrected body - something truly new. Jesus’ tomb is empty, and one day, yours will be too. Jesus the Lamb is victorious over sin and death, and in him, so are you. 

“Do not be afraid. Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me.”

Jesus calls his disciples “my brothers.” His wayward disciples are Redeemed. restored. Reconciled. Renewed. And in Jesus crucified and risen so are you. You too are his brothers and sisters. Redeemed. Restored. A new creation in Jesus death and resurrection.


Jesus says to you today, what he said to the women on that first Easter. Do not be afraid! Not today. Not ever. For you have already died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. So, when Christ who is our life appears, you also will appear with Him in glory.


Today, let the Alleluias ring out for you are redeemed and restored, 

Today, rejoice for you are reconciled and renewed in Jesus crucified and risen.

Today, something new has happened.


Christ is risen. He is risen indeed. Alleluia!


A blessed Easter to each of you…


In the Name of the Father and of the + Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.



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